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Mountain Landscape

Deep Self-Reflection, Understanding, and Boundary Support for People Who Serve Others

Healing for healers, help for helpers, compassion for the compassionate

Why You're Here...

Woman with laptop on couch

At the end of each day, you are exhausted from taking care of others at work and home, but it feels like it's never enough. 


It often feels like others don't notice or appreciate everything you do, leading to burnout, overwhelm, and resentment towards those you care so much about...which makes you feel guilty.


You snap at your loved ones and often don't know why, or act passive-aggressively when you don't know what else to do.


The world feels overwhelming and ugly but you don't feel like you can make a difference, leading you to feel agitated, numb, or ashamed. It upsets me when others don't care about injustice. 

You're here because you're ready for a change.


Hello, hello!
My name is Lindsey.

I help progressive helping professionals who feel overwhelmed and burned out at work (and home) to feel appreciated and confident through deep self-reflection and boundary setting.

As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) I can support you in your relationships with family, work, and yourself to create lasting change. 

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Misty Football Field
Sunset over the Mountains

So What Does Therapy Look Like?

Sessions are available online and in person for individuals and relationships.
We meet for 60 - 90 minutes each (depending on your needs).  
How Can Therapy Help Me?
Meeting Your Own Needs

You wake up with a mental to-do list preloaded, anticipating the needs and expectations of everyone around you. You love the people you take care of but get tired of feeling like it's never enough. When was the last time you noticed your own needs, let alone did effective self-care?

Trade Resentment for Boundaries

You sometimes feel unappreciated by the ones you work so hard for. Sometimes a little voice whispers, "They just expect you to take care of it." You begin to feel resentful of the ones you care for, so you feel guilty and exhausted. Learn how and when to set boundaries and feel appreciated!

Live Your Values Everyday

It seems like each day the world gets worse, and there is nothing you can do that will make a difference. It upsets you when others don't seem to care. You get overwhelmed with what's happening in the world and want to find ways to live your values and support change.

Understanding Your Deep Pain

Growing up you didn't have great role models for emotional repair (let's be honest, few of us do). So you learned how to "move on" even if you didn't fully heal from a wound, leading you to feel alone and unsure how to process conflict as an adult. Your own needs go unmet in your family and/or friend relationships.

Winding Roads

Are We A Good Fit?

Research shows that, unlike other forms of healthcare, the fit between the client and therapist is the biggest predictor of success in therapy. Additionally, I do my best work with clients who align with my personality and therapeutic style. That's why it's important to confirm we are a great fit before we begin working together.


If, after reviewing the checklist below, you believe we are a great fit, please fill out my Contact Form to request a free consultation, and we will get started!

We might be a great fit if you are...

  • Open-minded

  • Passionate about your beliefs

  • Thoughtful, a Deep Thinker

  • Organized (or try to be)

  • Ready to do deep self-reflection and make change

  • Funny and/or like to Laugh

  • Empathetic and Compassionate

  • Take care of others (teacher, nurse, mental health clinician, caregiver for family members)

  • Willing to sit in discomfort in order to grow

We should not work together if you are...

  • Not ready or willing to reflect on your relationships

  • Wanting others to change before you change

  • Quick to lash out at others when feeling uncomfortable emotions

  • Wanting your therapist to do the work for you

  • Not wanting to incorporate therapy outside of sessions

  • Wanting a quick fix

  • Experiencing strong or frequent suicidal, homicidal, or self-harm thoughts

  • Just wanting to vent without reflection and processing

"Not only is Lindsey an attentive, authentic therapist in session, but she also spends a great deal of time outside of session organizing client-specific treatment plans, activities, and interventions. Lindsey understands that no two clients are alike, and as such, she puts in the extra work to make sure that her therapy fits each person's unique needs. While I have seen Lindsey do a great deal of transformative work with adolescents, I know her to be effective with a wide range of clients; her skills appear to transcend age, gender, race, sexual orientation, and family type, just to name a few. Lindsey Boes is a fantastic therapist and colleague who will always go the extra mile to be sure that her clients get the services they need."

Ashley Walsdorf, Ph.D., LMFT, AAMFT Approved Supervisor 


Get in Touch

I look forward to meeting you! Let me know what you are hoping to work on and some dates/times that work for you to meet for a FREE 30 minute consultation!

Contact Information:

We'll Be in Touch Soon

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